Query Tracking for UBI

Type: object

Version 1.3.0; last updated 2025-02-26. A query made by a user should include these attributes for UBI tracking.

Type: string

Name of the application that is integrated with UBI. You can think of application as in a source of search queries. For example, if you have a type ahead and a traditional search UI, then you might have type-ahead and primary-search as values.

Must be at most 100 characters long



Type: string

The unique identifier of a query, typically a UUID, but can be any string.

Must be at most 100 characters long



Type: string

The client issuing the query. This could be a unique browser, a microservice that performs searches, a crawling bot. If only authenticated users are tracked, then you could use a specific user id here, otherwise you should use something permanent and track user id as an Additional Property.

Must be at most 100 characters long



Type: string

The query as the user entered it. No length limit specified.

Type: object

Any query modifiers like filter choices or pagination. Other attributes such as experiment identifiers that need to be tracked with the query.

Additional Properties of any type are allowed.

Type: object

Type: string

The name of the field that has the id of the objects that will be stored in the backend queries data store. So it you have a query for products and want to save the SKUs, then this might be sku and if you are querying for people, maybe this is ssn. If you do not provide this value then the default primary identifier in your search index will be used. For example _id on OpenSearch.

Must be at most 100 characters long

Type: stringFormat: date-time

When the query was issued. This timestamp is formatted according to the ISO 8601 standard. In many implementations of the UBI Query plugin the timestamp will be set for you at the time of the query being run. If you are replaying data, or want to track the timezone of the caller specifically, instead of using the search engine's timezone, then you will need to provide the timestamp instead. Please note that Opensearch requires a trailing Z or explicit timezone offset.



Type: string

The id of the search engine response.



Type: array of string

The ids of the documents that were returned by the search engine for this query in the order they were returned.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

